Sunday 2 May 2010

Entertainment Design Workings

Recently been getting into entertainment design a lot more, since Greg started to code the rest of the game for us following Nathan's disappearance. Made an animation for the difficulty-change in the Battlecry game (to match the one for the anthill game), which i have uploaded HERE. Also was sorting out all my piles and piles of sketchbook work and decided to create a sort of series of summary images for my character concept design, which turned out wonderfully, here's what i've came up with so far :)

3D Production Design Completion

Well 3D is now finished :D

All 3 models are complete, and essay is 1600 words. Apart from a last look over of the essay, 3D is now ticked off as done! :)
( Very happy with the changes to the Vehicle btw )

Some finished renders:

/completion dance