Saturday 2 October 2010

Third Year

Hello again Blog, hope you had a good summer.

Third year of uni sounds filled with epic wins, and e
pic fails, but mostly epic hard work. Advanced Visualisation
= create a character and model it in 3D to then be used in a short 3D animation. Advanced Interaction = create a 3D virtual environment which is interactive and innovative. Screenwriting for digital media = write a piece of screenplay, about 5-10 minutes. Personal Project = pffft, who knows yet! Undecided :)

The module i have been leaping ahead with is definatley advanced visualisation, which i find the easiest to work on. Here's a small image of my character so far:

I have done enough work on advanced interaction to be able to have a finished design concept, and i have started to build drafts of assets to be used in the environment, which is a chinese inspired village:
It's a timely process though, this modelling business xD And now i am tired and ready for sleeps.

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