Thursday 22 April 2010

3D Production Design

3D was a subject i felt, at the end of first year, that was the pain in my neck. No matter how hard i tried to concentrate and take in all the information about this hideous program Maya, i just couldn't get it to do as i wanted it to!
In the first semester, following the tutorials along with Ken was easy enough, as he was always on hand and knew exactly what we were supposed to be doing. Even taking notes was tricky, as i seem to work by remembering images and not words, and all the images looked the same!
First semester was no where near as daunting as the start of the second semester was, but i did manage to learn a lot of major techniques, including UV mapping which i'd never even touched on before, a gigantic leap in 3D modelling for me, personally.
As there was no submission for this module in the first semester, i have nothing to post other than - man am i glad i managed to get better at this eventually :D

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