Thursday 22 April 2010

Semester Two!

Semester one of second year, although seemingly stressful and difficult at the time, was nothing compared to semester two! xD
For starters, having four modules with submissions instead of two doubled the work amount. Furthermore, the standards seem to have shot up into the sky, putting more and more pressure on me to make everything the absolute best that it can be.
My modules for this second semester have been: Entertainment Design, 3D Production Design, Character Animation and Time-Based Narrative. Each of them requiring huge amounts of research, development and presentation work, as well as essays!
Oh dear oh dear.
But, as much as i complain, i enjoy it all thoroughly ^_^

I am still working on my semester two work, as it is still ongoing at this time, but will continue to post my work so far, and explain where i intend to leave it for the submission in May.

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